Our Policy
Sharpal Inc. takes online privacy seriously and uses reasonable efforts to respect the privacy of online visitors. We recognize that visitors to this Website have concerns about the information they provide to us and how we will use that information. This Privacy Policy addresses those concerns and sets forth terms of use for this Website.
You may visit this site anonymously as often as you like without providing any personally identifying information (such as your name, address, or e-mail address). At our site, we do not collect personally identifying information from individuals unless they provide it to us voluntarily and knowingly. We do not require you to register or provide information to us in order to view our site, and we protect the information we receive. If you ask to be added to a list to receive emails, we will use a cookie to keep track of your requests so that you can easily check and revise your subscriptions. We also use cookies to identify your browser so that we can provide the best link to our site. We never share your e-mail address with third parties except, in rare instances, to protect our site or to enforce compliance with our terms of use.
As you explore our Website, you will come across places in which we ask you to provide information about yourself voluntarily so that you can make a purchase. Personally identifying information may also be collected in order to make a donation online. This information is used solely for internal purposes by the Sharpal Inc. or other entities involved in the operation of this site. We will share personally identifying information with third parties only when the person submitting the information authorizes us to share it or we are required to do so by law.
If you decide to login and provide the requested information, we will not use the information for any purpose other than as stated.
By USING THIS WEBSITE AND PROVIDING INFORMATION, you signify your assent to this Privacy Policy. As a condition of your use of the Website, you warrant that you will not use the Website for any purpose that is unlawful or prohibited by this Privacy Policy or any other policy listed on this Website.
Notification of Changes
Sharpal Inc. may revise this Privacy Policy over time as new features are added to the Website or as Internet security and privacy standards evolve. We will post those changes prominently on this Website so you will always know what information we gather, how we might use that information and whether we will disclose it to anyone. We do, however, recommend that you read this Privacy Policy and all other Sharpal Inc. policies contained on the Website each time you log on, in case you missed our notice of changes.
If you have any questions about our Privacy Policy or terms of use, please contact us at:
Sharpal Inc.
We’ll be happy to answer your questions or hear your concerns.
How We Use “Cookies”
Visitors should be aware that non-personal information and data may be automatically collected on the Web Site through the use of cookies. Cookies are small text files a website can use to recognize repeat visitors, facilitate the visitor’s ongoing access to and use of the site, and allow a site to track usage behavior and compile aggregate data that will allow content improvements. Cookies are not programs that come onto a visitor’s system and damage files. The use of cookies is common in the Internet industry, and many major websites use them to provide useful features to their customers. Generally, cookies work by assigning a unique number to the visitor that has no meaning outside the assigning site. If a visitor does not want information collected through the use of cookies, there is a simple procedure in most browsers that allows the visitor to deny or accept the cookie feature. Sharpal Inc. uses “cookie” technology only to obtain non-personal information from its online visitors in order to improve visitors’ online experience and facilitate their visit within our site.
This site contains links to other sites. Sharpal Inc. is not responsible for the privacy practices or the content on these other websites, including any sites that may indicate a special relationship or partnership with the Sharpal Inc. Sharpal Inc. does not disclose unique identifiers to those responsible for the linked sites. The linked sites, however, may collect personal information from you when you link to their site. This collecting of information is not subject to the Sharpal Inc. control. To ensure protection of your privacy, always review the privacy policies of the sites you visit when linking from our Website.This site contains links to other sites. Sharpal Inc. is not responsible for the privacy practices or the content on these other websites, including any sites that may indicate a special relationship or partnership with the Sharpal Inc.. Sharpal Inc. does not disclose unique identifiers to those responsible for the linked sites. The linked sites, however, may collect personal information from you when you link to their site. This collecting of information is not subject to the Sharpal Inc. control. To ensure protection of your privacy, always review the privacy policies of the sites you visit when linking from our Website.
You are responsible for all of the images you upload to our site. You must have the legal right to copy and display each image that you upload. You should assume that all text, graphics and images that you find on the World Wide Web are subject to a copyright. In general, it is a violation of federal law to copy text, graphics or images that are subject to a copyright and use the copyrighted material without the consent of the owner of the copyright. Before copying any text, graphics or images, you must confirm that it is in the public domain and not subject to a copyright or obtain the consent of the owner of the copyright to use the material. You authorize Sharpal Inc.to cooperate with copyright owners who claim that you have infringed or may infringe their intellectual property rights. This cooperation includes, but is not limited to taking the following action without notice: disclosing your material and any other information you have disclosed to us to the copyright owner or its agent and destroying all alleged infringing material. Sharpal Inc. may also suspend or terminate the account of a customer who appears to be infringing Intellectual Property, and may take further appropriate action.
Liability and Warranty
Under no circumstances are we or anyone who helped us create, produce, deliver, or maintain the web site liable for any indirect, incidental, consequential, or punitive damages or attorneys’ fees arising from your access to or use of the website, including, but not limited to, challenges or actions for infringement, libel, and slander whether such damages are based on contract, tort, strict liability, or otherwise.
Your use of this website is at your risk. Everything on the website is provided to you “as is,” without warranties of any kind, either express or implied, including, but not limited to, warranties of fitness for a particular purpose, title, or infringement.
Because some states do not permit the exclusion or limitation of liability for consequential or incidental damages, the above limitation may not apply to you.
You agree to indemnify and hold Sharpal Inc. harmless from all liabilities, claims and expenses, including attorneys’ fees, that arise from any breach of these terms of service for which you are responsible, or from the use of this Website or the transmission of any content through this Website.
Opt-Out Procedures
You may always opt-out of receiving future mailings or communications from us. To remove any personally identifying information from our database or to not receive future communications from Sharpal Inc., send an e-mail to info@sharpal.com with the word “remove” in the subject line.
For more information about Sharpal Inc. please contact us by mail at the above address. If you have any questions about our Privacy Policy or terms of use, do not hesitate to contact us at the address listed above.